Brinsley Primary & Nursery School

Learn today, be a star of tomorrow!

School Day

School Times

School starts at 8.45am.
School finishes at 3.15pm.

This equates to 32.5 hours per week.

The doors open at 8.40am. Children go straight into the school buildings. It would be helpful if you would ensure that your child does not arrive before this time.



Breakfast & After School Club

We are providing a Breakfast Club and After School Club in, what was, the Early Years Alliance building on our site (now freshly painted and decorated - renamed the Nook).

Breakfast Club

Mrs Cheryl Bamford
Mrs Stella Dudley

The Breakfast Club will be available from 7.30am. Children will be offered cereal, toast and juice and taken to their class for the start of school. The cost of this will be £4.00 per session.

Afterschool Club

The Afterschool Club will be available from 3.15pm to 6.00pm. The cost of this will be £7.00 per session. 


Lunchtime is from 12noon until 1pm.

At Brinsley we encourage the children to stay for a cooked dinner or bring their own sandwiches, which are eaten in the dining hall during lunchtime.

If you wish your child to stay for a school dinner, please ask the school office for information on how to pay using the teacher2parents app.   

If you need to find out about free meals, please see our School Office Manager Mrs Dennis. 

School Dinner Menus 

Playtime Food

In line with our healthy eating policy, we ask you only to send healthy food such as apples, raisins or cheese, etc 

A fruit and vegetable scheme is offered at Foundation and Key Stage One.

Personal Possessions / Sweets

We discourage children from bringing personal possessions to school as they may easily get mislaid or damaged. We are a Healthy Eating School as so we discourage children bringing in sweets for consumption within school hours. 

Mobile Phones

Children in Year 5 and 6 are permitted to bring mobile phones to school, as we recognise that they may walk to and from school independently. On arrival at school, they must give their phone to the class teacher, who will keep it safe until the end of the day.


Please ensure that your child wears appropriate clothes and shoes for school, preferably the school uniform. Fleeces, sweat shirts, cardigans, polo shirts, etc can be purchased online from our uniform supplier, Price & Buckland. There is a link on our website to Price & Buckland.

All clothing should have your child’s name inside. In the summer months we encourage children to wear sunhats and bring sun cream. The children must be able to apply the sun cream themselves.


We would like to make parents / carers aware of the dangers of wearing jewellery in school. The jewellery may become lost or damaged, but more importantly, it may become tangled in equipment or clothing and cause personal injury for which the school can take no responsibility. We would, therefore, be grateful if parents / carers would ensure that children only wear watches and ear studs.

All ear studs must be removed before undertaking PE or swimming. If your child cannot do this themselves, we ask that they are removed on the morning of PE or swimming day 


Illness and Absences

If your child is absent from school can you please let school know the reason by telephone the first morning of their absence as we are required to keep details of records of absences. A telephone call by 10am would be appreciated.

The school discourages holidays during term-time. If you need to go on holiday during term-time you will need to complete a holiday form. Your child’s class teacher will supply you with one or it can be requested from the school office.

If your child arrives at school after the close of registration, they must report to the school office to receive their mark.

Health and Safety

Please inform your child’s class teacher of any medical conditions, for example, allergies, asthma, eczema, etc.

If your child has a very bad cough / cold or has had sickness or diarrhoea in the past 48 hours, please keep them at home until they are feeling better.

All inhalers must be named and the both the class teacher and the office need informing. These are kept safely in classrooms. 

Only medicines prescribed by a doctor can be administered by a member of the school staff. It is your responsibility to ensure that all medication is labelled and in date.

All accidents are recorded within school and if any serious injures occur we will call home immediately. 

The school gates are closed at 9am and reopened at 3pm.  The gate on 'The Moor' is manned by a member of staff before and after school.  If you need to access the school outside of these hours then please use the entrance next to the carpark on Moor Road.  

Special Educational Needs

Pupils with special educational needs may be identified by parents / carers or by staff. Our SendCo is Mrs Bates, who supports families through this process.  For more information on special needs please click on 'SEN Information' on the 'Parents' tab.  


We try to encourage all children to behave well at school. We aim to do this in a positive, caring way by praising children for their efforts and rewarding them with a system of certificates and stars.

We see parental support as essential in the implementation of our Behaviour Policy and are committed to working in partnership with you if any problems occur.

All children are encouraged to follow the school’s golden rules; Safety, Kindness and Respect. 

As the children progress through school, we expect their levels of independence to increase. They will be asked to set good examples for the younger children in school. In Year 6, children are given responsibilities as ‘monitors’ to carry out tasks within the school to help them to assume a more responsible role.

Please view our 'Behaviour Policy' in the 'School Policies' section. 

Target Grouping

The school runs the following programmes for identified children, who would benefit from an additional boost to their learning:

  • 1 to 1 Tuition
  • Switch-On Reading and Writing 
  • Precision Teaching 
  • Read, Write Inc phonic sessions 
  • Speech and Language sessions 
  • 1 to 1 reading 
  • Additional guided reading sessions 


Throughout the country all Year 6 children are tested using SATs. These occur in May and are useful for the transfer of information to secondary school. The results of these tests are shared with parents in the child’s end of year report.

Parental / Carer Involvement

At home:

Please ensure that your child completes their homework tasks and read a variety of materials with your child whenever possible.

Talk to your child about what they are doing in school.

Remember, children progress more quickly when parents/carers are involved.

At School:

Attend open evenings:

Autumn term: Open Evening (usually held in October).
Spring term: Open Evening (usually held in February or March).

If you wish to discuss anything with your child’s class teacher, please make an appointment via class Dojo or the school office.  

Throughout the year we have a wide range of events that you are welcome to attend, these include:

  • Sports Day 
  • Celebration Assembly 
  • Stay & Play 
  • Fathers & Mothers Day Events
  • Egg Decorating Event 
  • Christmas Productions
  • Easter Production 
  • Summer Production

We are always looking for parent volunteers to help us with reading, swimming and school trips. If you would like to volunteer please get in touch with the school office. 

Car Parking

Unless they are accessing the disabled parking bay, parents’ / carers’ cars must not be parked in the school’s visitor’s car park.

To respect the local residents and the health and safety of Brinsley children we ask that all parents/carers respect the road markings around school especially the single yellow lines in front of the school gates.  Regular patrols by local PCSO's and parking wardens are there to ensure cars are parked appropriately. 

For more information on parking please visit

No Smoking Policy

In common with all Nottinghamshire LA schools, Brinsley Primary is a NO SMOKING and VAPING ENVIRONMENT. All adults are, therefore, requested not to smoke in any of the school buildings, the field or playground.


We want your child’s experience at Brinsley Primary and Nursery School to be a happy, positive time where home and school work together.

Complaints are few and are dealt with promptly.

We shall do everything possible so that your child’s time with us is productive. Our aim is to provide an excellent foundation for your child’s future learning in secondary school.

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