Brinsley Primary & Nursery School

Learn today, be a star of tomorrow!

Brinsley Primary And Nursery School Staff

Meet our wonderful head, teachers, assistants, office team, cooking staff and day-time supervisors/co-ordinators...

  • Profile picture of Mr J Osprey

    Mr J Osprey
    Head Teacher
  • Profile picture of Mr B Elliott

    Mr B Elliott
    Assistant Head Teacher
  • Profile picture of Mrs F Bates

    Mrs F Bates
    Class Teacher
  • Profile picture of Ms D Martin

    Ms D Martin
    Class Teacher
  • Profile picture of Mrs C Bamford

    Mrs C Bamford
    Teaching Assistant
  • Profile picture of Mrs G Bland

    Mrs G Bland
    Class Teacher
  • Profile picture of Mrs R Bromley

    Mrs R Bromley
    Class Teacher
  • Profile picture of Mrs P Framji

    Mrs P Framji
    Teaching Assistant
  • Profile picture of Mrs S White

    Mrs S White
    Teaching Assistant
  • Profile picture of Mr T Brooks

    Mr T Brooks
    Class Teacher
  • Profile picture of Mrs E Langon

    Mrs E Langon
    Class Teacher
  • Profile picture of Mrs S Turner

    Mrs S Turner
    Teaching Assistant
  • Profile picture of Mrs M Wingrove

    Mrs M Wingrove
    Class Teacher
  • Profile picture of Mrs E Taylor

    Mrs E Taylor
    Teaching Assistant
  • Profile picture of Mrs K Henderson

    Mrs K Henderson
    Class Teacher
  • Profile picture of Mrs J Burfield

    Mrs J Burfield
    Teaching Assistant
  • Profile picture of Mrs S Meakin

    Mrs S Meakin
    Teaching Assistant
  • Profile picture of Mrs K Dennis

    Mrs K Dennis
    Office Manager
  • Profile picture of Miss A Roberts

    Miss A Roberts
    Clerical Assistant
  • Profile picture of Mrs J Smith

    Mrs J Smith
    Kitchen Assistant & Caretaker Team
  • Profile picture of Ms J Swires

    Ms J Swires
    Caretaker Team
  • Profile picture of Mrs R Fisher

    Mrs R Fisher
    Mid-day Supervisor
  • Profile picture of Mrs S King

    Mrs S King
    Mid-day Supervisor
  • Profile picture of Mrs C Penny

    Mrs C Penny
    Mid-day Supervisor
  • Profile picture of Mrs E Osborne

    Mrs E Osborne
    Mid-day Supervisor
  • Profile picture of Mrs J Elliott

    Mrs J Elliott
    Mid-day Supervisor
  • Profile picture of Mrs L Aulsberry

    Mrs L Aulsberry
    Mid-day Supervisor
  • Profile picture of Mr D Smith

    Mr D Smith
    Mid-day Supervisor
  • Profile picture of Mrs S Dudley

    Mrs S Dudley
    Mid-day Supervisor & Breakfast Club Leader & After School Club Leader
  • Profile picture of Mrs J Martin

    Mrs J Martin
    Mid-day Supervisor & After School Club Leader

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