Brinsley Primary & Nursery School

Learn today, be a star of tomorrow!

Brinsley Primary And Nursery School - Year 3

    Who’s in the class

  • Profile picture of Mr T Brooks

    Mr T Brooks
    Class Teacher
  • Profile picture of Mrs P Framji

    Mrs P Framji
    Teaching Assistant

Class Name: Doves

This term our topic is:
Light And Shadow

Welcome to Year 3 - Dove Class!

This half-term we will be exploring light and shadow. We will investigate why light is so important and consider how shadows are formed. We will write playscripts in English and use these to create our very own shadow puppet theatre. 

Ours maths will focus on place value, addition and subtraction. There will be time for arithmetic at least three times a week also, where children will learn and develop skills needed to solve mathematical problems. 

PE will be twice a week - Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure children have correct PE kit, earrings are taped or can be removed and hair is tied up. 

Welcome to Year 3 Dazzling Doves



Should you wish to access additional work, we recommend the following sites: 


White Rose Home Leaning:


Top Marks:

Maths is Fun:


BBC Home Learning:

Bug Club: (your child will have been given an access code)






In KS2, children will be asked to complete the following pieces of homework on a weekly basis: 

  • Times Tables Rock Stars (3-4 mins per day)
  • Read at least 3 times a week
  • Spellings once a week

In addition to the above, you may be asked to complete topic-based homework such as a piece of art or conduct some research at home. When this happens, your class teacher will post instructions via the class Dojo page. 


Times Tables 

Every child in Years 2-6 have their own Times Tables Rock Stars log in which can be accessed via: It is recommended that they take a little and often approach, aiming for 3-4 minutes, 5 times a week. The children will be rewarded with certificates- if they earn them- every Thursday. In order to move up to a new Rock Status, they need to play on ‘Studio’. After every 10 games, a new average score will be calculated which may lead to a change in their status.

Our focus is on the 8 times tables this half term.


Your child will bring home a book banded book in addition to a library book. The book banded book gives you an indication as to where your child is in terms of age related. By the end of Year 3, ideally your child will be on ‘brown’ book band. The children do not need to wait to be told to change their books, they may do so when they see fit.



Year 3 will have P.E. on Mondays. Please ensure that your child comes to school dressed in their PE kits. Earrings should be removed at home or a letter obtained from the office if ears are newly pierced. 

The value of the month is Teamwork and we will be having dedicated assemblies on the value of the month.

PE will be Monday mornings. Please send your child in PE kit.

Please check Class Dojo regularly for updates, photos and information.

Mr Brooks





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An overview of ways to support your child with reading at home.

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