Brinsley Primary & Nursery School

Learn today, be a star of tomorrow!

Brinsley Primary And Nursery School - Year 1

    Who’s in the class

  • Profile picture of Mrs M Wingrove

    Mrs M Wingrove
    Class Teacher
  • Profile picture of Mrs E Taylor

    Mrs E Taylor
    Teaching Assistant
  • Profile picture of Mrs S Meakin

    Mrs S Meakin
    Teaching Assistant

Class Name: Chaffinches

This term our topic is:
Where Do And Did The Wheels On The Bus Go?

In this unit we’ll be reading 'The Naughty Bus' by Jan and Jerry Oke. We'll be making predictions about the bus in the story, talking about where it goes and why and using verbs and conjunctions. We’ll be looking closely at the detail in the story, and making an annotated story map to help us rewrite the story for our longer piece of work.

We will then be looking at the features of non fiction texts about buses and finding out facts and information. We will be writing labels and captions and building up to writing our own fact file about buses.



The value of the month for April and May is honesty. We will be having dedicated assemblies on this value.

PE will be Thursday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. Please send your child in PE kit. We will also be doing 'Wake Up and Shake Up' sessions every morning (PE kits not needed for this).


Please check Class Dojo regularly for updates, photos and information.




 Welcome to Year 1!Image result for clip art chaffinch

We hope that your child enjoys their time in our class. 

 Phonics Screening

Phonics is very important in Year 1. In the Summer term the children will complete a phonic screening test. Throughout Year 1 we will be working hard towards this screening at the end of the year. Children need to be able to recognise sounds and blend them together to read both real and nonsense words. Throughout the year we will invite parents to meetings and workshops to give ideas on how you can support your child at home.





Reading is an essential part of your child's learning. Your child will be sent home with a levelled book to match their ability. Please take time to look at and read their reading books and any other books, with them. When you have read with your child please record this in their online reading record. We ask that you read with your child at home at least three times each week; every child who does this has their name entered into a draw to win a prize from the prize shelf in the classroom. 

Please follow the link below to access your child's Bug Club: 


P.E. will take place on Thursday with our Next Level Sports coaches. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days. In colder weather please ensure this is weather appropriate (eg tracksuit and trainers). Please also remember that children need to have their hair up in a pony-tail and to remove earrings and other jewellery for P.E. If your child has newly pierced ears please pop in and see us.





Spellings are sent home every Friday. We ask that you help your child to practise their spellings. These will be checked on a Friday and new spellings will be given out. A copy of the spellings will also be posted on our Class Dojo page. Spellings can be practised in different ways such as writing them out using paint, or in sand or practising them with magnetic letters or making a game up with them. You can also look out for them when reading and when you’re out and about. Top Tip: pick words at random rather than going down the list when you are practising the spellings!


Home learning websites:

Below are a list of useful websites in which you can access, they are all aimed at your child's age.










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