Brinsley Primary & Nursery School

Learn today, be a star of tomorrow!

Wrap Around Care

We are providing a Breakfast Club and After School Club in, what was, the Early Years Alliance building on our site (now freshly painted and decorated - renamed the Nook).

Breakfast Club

Mrs Cheryl Bamford
Mrs Stella Dudley

The Breakfast Club will be available from 7.30am. Children will be offered cereal, toast and juice and taken to their class for the start of school. The cost of this will be £3 a session.

After School Club

Mrs Stella Dudley
Mrs Jacqueline Martin

The After School Club will be available from 3.15pm to 6pm. Children will be offered a snack. The cost of this will be £7 a session.
You are able to book your child into the clubs via the Teachers2Parents App. (This is the same App that you pay for School Dinners). You are able to book your child/ren into these clubs on a weekly basis or for weeks in advance. Payment for these clubs can also be made via the Teachers2Parents App.  We respectfully ask that you keep your account up to date and wherever possible pay in advance for this facility.


Please phone: 01773783898 option 5

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